Workers unite!

¡Que tiemblen las clases dominantes!

La clase obrera de Francia tiene una larga y significativa historia en la lucha entre el trabajo y el capital,…

January 30, 2023

Capitalist system cause of wealth inequality

In a study titled “Survival of the Richest,” published Jan. 16 to coincide with the start of the World Economic…

January 27, 2023

Mass strike in France to defend pensions – Time to fight for Social Security here

Over 2 million workers in France participated in a general strike/mass mobilization on Jan. 19, denouncing plans by President Emmanuel…

January 27, 2023

Let the ruling classes tremble!

The working class of France has a long and significant history in the struggle between labor and capital, including the…

January 24, 2023

Oregon nurses fight for a decent contract

In Portland, Oregon, nurses and community supporters rallied Jan. 20 in front of Providence Hospital corporate headquarters. Thousands of nurses…

January 23, 2023

Southwest Airlines: Hundreds of thousands impacted by capitalist greed

Airlines canceled over 18,200 flights in the U.S. and hundreds more in Canada between Dec. 22 and 28, affecting millions…

January 13, 2023

Oakland Education Association resolution: Fund education and health care not U.S. Wars! Disband NATO!

This resolution was passed by the Oakland Education Association Representatives Council Jan. 9, Oakland, California. Join the protest Sunday, Jan.…

January 12, 2023

University of California grad student strike ends 

After nearly six weeks on the picket line, 48,000 graduate students at the University of California voted to accept a…

January 12, 2023

Issues behind near death of Damar Hamlin

Buffalo, New York Bulletin: As we go to press, Hamlin has returned home to Buffalo.   Unprecedented tragedy struck at the…

January 11, 2023

After month-long strike
Starbucks unionists face challenges

By Janisse Miles New York City “You are demanding that this city will respect the dignity of labor. So often…

January 11, 2023