Workers unite!

Autoworkers discuss fightback strategy

In a recent op-ed piece, United Auto Workers President Bob King touted the cooperative relationship between the union and U.S.…

September 20, 2013

On the picket line

Union rights for grocery workers in Brooklyn, N.Y. On Sept. 20, it will be a year since Latino/a immigrant workers…

September 20, 2013

Activists protest postal service privatization

Members of Communities and Postal Workers United and Community- Labor United for Postal Jobs and Services attended the quadrennial AFL-CIO…

September 20, 2013

Protests save Brooklyn hospital

Brooklyn Judge Johnny Lee Baynes ruled Sept. 12 that New York state’s justification for the closing of Long Island College…

September 18, 2013

Fired GM workers in Colombia determined to win

For two years and two months a determined group of fired autoworkers have lived in tents outside the U.S. Embassy…

September 12, 2013

South African autoworkers strike key industry

Workers’ struggles continue in South Africa despite the successful resolution of strikes in the automotive and mining industries. Auto industry…

September 12, 2013

New York livery drivers protest, occupy Taxi Commission

Two hundred livery cab drivers, union members of the Coalition of Taxicabs of New York, demonstrated outside the headquarters of…

September 12, 2013

Detroit’s workers mobilize to defend pensions

Detroiters are mobilizing to defend city workers’ pensions and city services in the wake of the municipal bankruptcy filed by…

September 11, 2013

AFL-CIO Convention draws low-income workers

At a time of record poverty and massive government cutbacks, and under the threat of another war in the Middle…

September 9, 2013

Korean autoworkers wage courageous resistance

Since the global recession began in 2008, the world’s auto companies have been aggressively restructuring the process by which vehicles…

September 8, 2013