Workers unite!

Restaurant workers: ‘Stop wage theft’

In a powerful demonstration of support, dozens of people marched into Liberato restaurant in the Bronx demanding better wages and…

April 28, 2014

On the picket line

Walmart: Make Gerawan pay the farmworkers! The United Farm Workers latest campaign, on behalf of more than 5,000 mostly migrant…

April 25, 2014

All labor should support LEGALIZATION!

As progressives and workers march once again on May Day, it is important to reflect on the workers’ movement in…

April 23, 2014

The meaning of low-wage worker struggle

And the need for an independent revolutionary pole in new working-class movement The nationwide strikes of workers at places like…

April 19, 2014

Northwestern football players can unionize

In a move that could change the rights of many of the 420,000 NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) athletes, the…

April 18, 2014

‘Raise minimum wage, no food stamp cuts’

Labor and community activists marched through the Near West Side neighborhood of Cleveland on April 12, protesting against recent cuts…

April 18, 2014

Philadelphia teachers’ seniority rights stripped away

After failing to settle a contract with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers for over nine months, on March 24 the…

April 18, 2014

Strikers say ‘End poverty wages at Johns Hopkins Hospital’

Baltimore -- For three days, hundreds of workers picketed, marched and rallied at Johns Hopkins Hospital on Baltimore’s eastside from…

April 16, 2014

New York actions push $15 minimum wage

The People’s Power Assembly Movement, along with allies like OccuEvolve, took to the streets of New York City with signs…

April 16, 2014

Los Angeles activists plan car caravan for low-wage workers

A “Low-Wage Campaign” community speakout was held April 12 in Los Angeles at the Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice,…

April 16, 2014