Workers unite!

As postal bosses meet in D.C., unions rally against downsizing

Officials at the headquarters of the U.S. Postal Service in Washington, D.C., kept an angry, overflow crowd in the lobby…

November 20, 2014

Walmart workers ‘sit down to live better’

Walmart workers carried out their first ever sit-down strikes at two different stores in Los Angeles on Nov. 13. After…

November 19, 2014

Boston school bus drivers versus capital, low wages

On Nov. 24, the Boston school bus drivers will gather at a courthouse to show support for grievance chair and…

November 16, 2014

Los Angeles activists petition for $15 minimum wage

The city of Los Angeles has a $15 Minimum Wage Ballot Initiative, introduced by the Los Angeles Workers Assembly, which…

November 15, 2014

On the picket line

Nurses strike to demand Ebola preparedness Nurses in at least 14 states and the District of Columbia plan a national…

November 14, 2014

In Los Angeles: My experiences working on $15 an hour initiative

I’ve had the opportunity to travel to Los Angeles for the “$15 Minimum Wage” campaign, which includes a ballot initiative…

November 6, 2014

Capitalism on trial in Boston

The grievance chair and founder of the Boston School Bus Drivers’ Union will be in court on Nov. 24, facing…

October 31, 2014

On the picket line

Costly delay for home-care workers Enforcement of the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour and overtime after 40 hours…

October 31, 2014

New York faculty, staff demand contract

The Professional Staff Congress union represents 25,000 faculty and staff at the City University of New York. It has not…

October 31, 2014

Europe anti-labor law threatens U.S. workers too

In a rare note of agreement, the Wall Street Journal and Novosti, a Russian newspaper, agree on the large size…

October 30, 2014