Workers unite!

Berkeley, Calif., community rallies to save Post Office

Berkeley, Calif. -- At noon on Dec. 6, more than 150 people gathered on the steps of the main Berkeley…

December 21, 2014

On the picket line

By Matty Starrdust and Sue Davis Minn. janitors strike on ‘Black’ Friday Joining other strikers on “Black” Friday, Nov. 28,…

December 12, 2014

Fast food workers strike in 190 cities

December 4 was a phenomenal day for fast food workers. They shut down the grills, closed the cash registers and…

December 9, 2014

GM workers protest at U.S. embassy in Bogota, Colombia

For over 1,200 days, former workers of General Motors’ Colmotores plant in Bogotá, Colombia, have maintained an encampment outside the…

December 4, 2014

Walmart strikes unite with Ferguson protests

The fighting, angry spirit of the people of Ferguson, Mo., following the decision not to prosecute racist killer-cop Darren Wilson…

December 1, 2014

On the picket line

Philly airport workers walk out As many as 125 service workers at the Philadelphia airport walked off the job on…

November 29, 2014

Frame-up trial of Boston school bus drivers union leader turns into ‘Solidarity Day 7’

Dorchester, Mass. — The fighting members of Boston School Bus Drivers, Steelworkers Local 8751, and their supporters from the community,…

November 25, 2014

Boston school bus union on trial

Nov. 24 — As hundreds of supporters of Stevan Kirschbaum, a USW Local 8751 chief steward, packed the court here…

November 25, 2014

The struggle for $15 an hour in Los Angeles

Excerpts from the talk given by John Parker at the 2014 Workers World Party National Conference in New York City.…

November 22, 2014

Nov. 21 Call-in Day to support Boston school bus drivers

Workers World readers are familiar with the struggle that union-busting international conglomerate Veolia has imposed on United Steelworkers Local 8751…

November 21, 2014