Workers unite!

May Day = Worker Power

Today, in 66 countries around the world, May Day — International Workers’ Day — is an official paid holiday commemorated…

April 29, 2020

Pandemic used as proxy to privatize USPS

U.S. Postal Service workers, like health care workers, go to work every day risking exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Over…

April 29, 2020

International Workers’ Day: Find an action!

May Day — International Workers’ Day — will be celebrated on May 1 across the U.S. despite the challenges imposed…

April 28, 2020

On the picket line

New sexual harassment suit against McDonald’s Jamelia Fairley and Ashley Reddick, who worked for several years at McDonald’s in Sanford,…

April 23, 2020

100+ strikes demand: PPE before profits!

Since the beginning of March, workers have held over 100 walkouts, sick-outs, sit-ins, pickets and protests over their bosses’ failure…

April 21, 2020

Comentario de WW/MO Organizar asambleas obreras, ¡construir un mundo obrero!

Quemando las comunidades como un fuego furioso, el COVID-19 nos quita a los más vulnerables. Ya envenenado por el racismo…

April 21, 2020

Unemployment explosion reveals class conflict

April 19 — The explosion of unemployment applications during the COVID-19 crisis underscored the vicious class contradictions in the United…

April 20, 2020

U.S. economy crumbles as millions of workers lose jobs

At least 17 million workers in the United States lost their jobs from the second week of March to the…

April 17, 2020

Seeking psychotherapy under capitalism during a pandemic

Harris is a clinical psychologist in New York City. To paraphrase Marx, a society’s mode of production — how workers…

April 17, 2020

Queer bar workers crush boss, win sick pay in Portland, Ore.

Portland, Ore. On March 16, after the Oregon state pandemic-related closure of businesses deemed nonessential, laid-off Crush Bar and adjacent…

April 16, 2020