Im/migrants and Refugees

Protesters demand stop to sheriff-ICE lovefest

As part of an ongoing campaign against Alameda County Sheriff Gregory J. Ahern, and in support of the struggle against…

April 27, 2017

End racist war on migrants

Ultra-racists and warmongers like Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions, John Kelly and their Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents are setting Washington’s…

April 26, 2017

Activists arrested in solidarity with immigrants

Eight people were arrested April 17 in front of the Los Angeles “Hall of Justice,” where the county sheriff’s office…

April 26, 2017

Immigrant prisoners strike

Tacoma, Washington — Some 750 immigrant prisoners held a united hunger strike against inhumane conditions at the Tacoma Northwest Detention…

April 21, 2017

May Day means defend immigrant workers’ right to strike, no imperialist war on People’s Korea!

Following are excerpted remarks by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party first secretary, at an April 15 “Build for May Day”…

April 20, 2017

Caravan Against Fear

More than 100 people traveled to the remotely located Richmond, Calif., Immigration and Customs Enforcement Detention Center on April 11…

April 20, 2017

Police terror in a ‘Sanctuary City’

San Francisco - April 7 marked one year since the police assassination of Luis Góngora Pat, a 45-year-old Yucatecan Mayan…

April 13, 2017

Bakery workers confront immigration edict

Dozens of immigrant workers at Tom Cat Bakery will soon face auditing by Trump’s anti-immigrant Department of Homeland Security. With…

April 13, 2017

Unite on May Day! Stop war on migrants

This article was edited from a talk given at the March 18 special forum of Workers World Party in New…

March 28, 2017

Bay Area rallies against Trump’s 2nd Muslim ban

On March 16, the day Trump’s second Muslim travel ban was due to take effect, more than 500 people rallied…

March 22, 2017