Im/migrants and Refugees

Don’t deport Palestinian, father, autoworker Mosa Hamadeesa

Mosa Hamadeesa is a stateless worker, originally from Palestine’s West Bank.  He was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement on…

June 12, 2017

Death at the hands of ICE

Within 24 hours, two immigrants died in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody in Georgia. First came the shocking news…

May 25, 2017

In Georgia, deaths in ICE detention as roundups escalate

Within 24 hours, two immigrants died in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody in Georgia. First came the shocking news…

May 22, 2017

WW newspaper censored by Homeland Security in California

San Francisco - This reporter attended a rally on May 11 in support of domestic violence victim Yazmin Elias at…

May 21, 2017

Domestic violence survivor still trapped in detention

Bulletin: Yazmin Elias was released from jail on May 15. After a “successful” bail hearing at the Immigration and Customs…

May 18, 2017

U.S. threatens to expel 50,000 Haitians

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly will decide on May 23 whether to extend the “temporary protected status” of 50,000 Haitian…

May 6, 2017

Support for women hunger strikers in ICE prison

Protesters in Portland, Ore., marched on April 19 in support of immigrant hunger strikers at the largest immigrant prison on…

April 30, 2017

Milwaukee schools say YES to sanctuary

After weeks of organizing on behalf of undocumented students and workers, a sanctuary district resolution for Milwaukee Public Schools was…

April 30, 2017

Banks and for-profit prisons grow rich on deportations

While millions of migrant and refugee families struggle under a climate of fear fueled by widespread deportations, private for-profit prison…

April 27, 2017

Resistance in response to firing of Tom Cat workers

New York City - The racist, anti-worker bosses at Tom Cat Bakery finally carried out the wishes of the repressive…

April 27, 2017