Im/migrants and Refugees

Women in ICE detention attempt suicide

In yet another blatant instance of cruel and inhumane treatment of migrant workers in the U.S., a woman in an…

January 24, 2018

Release immigrant rights leaders!

Angered by the Trump administration’s offensive against immigrants, hundreds of people gathered in Washington Square Park in New York City…

January 17, 2018

Feds step up terror against immigrant workers

The federal government is continuing its campaign of terror against migrants. On Jan. 8, the Department of Homeland Security announced…

January 15, 2018

Boston groups protest activist’s deportation

Siham Tinhinan Byah, an asylum-seeking single mother and well-known Boston-area community organizer, was taken in the pre-dawn hours of Dec.…

January 1, 2018

New York Legal Aid lawyers protest ICE courthouse arrests

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrests of immigrants in courthouses have skyrocketed since the inauguration of Donald Trump in January…

January 1, 2018

Growing fightback against immigrant detention

Tacoma, Wash. — The increase in Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids and detentions has led to an increase in resistance…

December 17, 2017

Steinle verdict: Bigots call for sanctuary cities boycott

San Francisco — Furious, threatening tweets by #45. These were the president’s response to the Dec. 1 acquittal of undocumented…

December 7, 2017

Attack on immigrants aimed at all workers

In its usual cruel fashion, the Trump administration made it obvious in the first week of November that it intends…

November 15, 2017

When the Border Patrol arrests a 10-year-old

Rosa María Hernández is 10 years old. She has had cerebral palsy from birth, and so, her elementary school teachers…

November 7, 2017

‘No Muslim Ban Ever’

San Francisco — Several hundred people gathered here on Oct. 9 at the Civic Center Plaza to demand “No Muslim…

October 19, 2017