Im/migrants and Refugees

Durham: Community protests ICE seizure of Samuel Oliver-Bruno

Nov. 27 -- Twenty-seven protesters were arrested Nov. 23 after Immigration and Custom Enforcement’s horrific seizure of an undocumented man…

November 27, 2018

Support the refugees!

The U.S. president has, in effect, suspended the right to seek asylum in the U.S. On Nov. 8 he signed…

November 16, 2018

Refugees flee Central America

The mass exodus of workers from Central America making its way into the U.S. is described in the media as…

November 3, 2018

Veterans’ letter asks active duty soldiers to ’Refuse orders to deploy on southern border’

Following are excerpts from a letter from two military veterans appealing to the 15,000 active duty troops the president sent…

November 3, 2018

Immigrant detention breeds resistance

Tacoma, Wash. — It was “Free Saja” Day on Oct. 21 at the Northwest Detention Center as people rallied to…

October 27, 2018

Workers need solidarity across borders

Thousands of migrant workers and their families from Honduras have marched through Guatemala into Mexico, a river of people flooding…

October 25, 2018

Fleeing crisis ‘made in USA,’ Honduran migrants march into Mexico

Oct. 22 — A caravan of thousands of migrants, including small children, traveling to the United States reached the Mexico-Guatemala…

October 24, 2018

Immigrant family risks arrests to end deportation orders

After almost ten months of taking sanctuary in the basement of a Philadelphia church, Carmela Apolonio Hernández was ready to…

October 18, 2018

Judge rules expulsion is racist

In a decision issued Oct. 3 in California, Judge Edward Chen called the Department of Homeland Security’s “actions … based…

October 14, 2018

Occupy ICE shuts down ICE in Los Angeles

Occupy ICE Los Angeles called a protest press conference on Sept. 11 at the Metropolitan Detention Center. The purpose was…

September 17, 2018