Im/migrants and Refugees

A new Israeli lie followed by imperialist countries

The following message is from the “Foreign affairs Department at Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)” to the…

January 29, 2024

Delegation to Honduras condemns crimes of U.S/Canada-backed dictatorship

This news release was issued January 10 in Honduras. Members of a 10-day U.S/Canada delegation, hosted by the Cross Border…

January 20, 2024

Texas governor turns cops loose on migrants

Houston One week before Christmas, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott outdid himself by signing into law a bill that authorizes police…

January 3, 2024

Migrants wage 7th hunger strike at Tacoma detention center

Tacoma, Washington Detainees at the North West Detention Center (NWDC) in Tacoma are waging their seventh hunger strike against intolerable…

December 22, 2023

Mass march targets Biden for an ‘End to fossil fuels’

New York City An estimated 50,000 to 75,000 people were in the streets of New York City Sept. 17 for…

September 18, 2023

‘The leading class in the Philippine Revolution is the proletariat’

By Phoebe De Padua This slightly edited talk was presented July 31 on the Workers World Party webinar titled “Lenin…

August 9, 2023

Obama, Trump, Biden share blame for Abbott’s border horrors

Reports in recent weeks from a whistleblowing Texas Department of Public Safety trooper have laid bare the state-sponsored, inhumane, anti-migrant…

August 7, 2023

France: Racist police incites massive youth rebellion

During a traffic stop by two motorcycle cops in the Paris suburb of Nanterre June 27, one of the cops…

July 4, 2023

Tras el barco de la muerte

¿Qué está pasando?, se pregunta el migrante afgano, ¿qué hace la patrullera griega? En medio de su pregunta, algunos de…

July 3, 2023

A tale of class and two tragedies at sea

The recent disasters at sea — in the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic — although 4,000 miles apart, reveal…

June 28, 2023