Im/migrants and Refugees

Im/migrants and COVID-19: Free them all now!

When the demands of the progressive and revolutionary movements concur with the demands of those deep within the mainstream of…

March 25, 2020

Protesters in San Antonio, Texas, decry war on migrants at Border Patrol Expo

San Antonio, Texas “Border security” is a lethal operation. As the war against migrants rages on under the guise of…

March 23, 2020

No ICE on buses / People’s Power stops Border Patrol searches

People's Power defeats Border Patrol searches on Greyhound buses Statement from FIRE (Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere) FIRE (Fight…

February 24, 2020

Trump administration to unleash racist ICE agents on sanctuary cities

No matter what else is happening, the Trump administration is not relinquishing its war on migrants. Savoring the victory of…

February 20, 2020

Rebel Diaz rocks Boston for Chile

Boston Police forces killed four anti-government protesters in Chile during the first week of February. In the U.S., revolutionary hip-hop…

February 17, 2020

New York: Protest demands Gov. Cuomo support SWEAT bill, banning wage theft

Workers and community groups held a spirited rally in front of the office of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on…

February 7, 2020

Migrant punishment ‘protocols’ protested in Texas

Immigrant-rights activists and advocates gathered in protest outside a San Antonio, Texas, courthouse on Jan. 29, the  anniversary of the…

February 5, 2020

After British right-wing win, workers need anti-racist unity

Elections held Dec. 12 in England, Scotland, Wales and the occupied north of Ireland were a boost to Trump protégé…

December 18, 2019

Portland rally: ‘Defend DACA!’

Members of the Oregon DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) Coalition shared their stories during the “Defend DACA, Home Is…

November 22, 2019

Harvard Act on a Dream protests newspaper’s call to ICE

Nov. 15 -- Harvard College Act on a Dream (AOD) launched the #CrimsonListen campaign today with a petition, boycott, teach-in…

November 22, 2019