Im/migrants and Refugees

At Irwin Detention Center, Ga., Dawn Wooten is a hero – A statement from FIRE on migrant abuse

This statement was released by FIRE on Sept. 18. For more information about FIRE and the fight for migrants around…

September 21, 2020

Buffalo Detention Center/ Im/migrants work under slave labor conditions

By Tom Allia Buffalo, N.Y. Incarcerated im/migrants are suffering new punishments at the Buffalo Detention Center in Batavia, N.Y., where…

September 21, 2020

Ginsburg’s legacy and the Supreme Court

Many people are mourning the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, some with expressions of fear that…

September 21, 2020

Caravana atraviesa el pais para reclamar ¡Residencia, ya!

Boletín: La Corte de Apelaciones del Noveno Circuito de los Estados Unidos dio su fallo el 14 de septiembre en…

September 20, 2020

Cross-country caravan to demand: Residency, now!

Bulletin: The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled Sept. 14 against TPS recipients, holding that President…

September 15, 2020

COVID and People of Color: Is it genocide yet?

If you are a person of color, you too, like me, are probably traumatized and fed up with reading article…

September 15, 2020

Fire exposes desperate plight of refugees

The Sept. 8 fire that burned the largest asylum camp in Europe, the Moria Reception and Identification Camp on the…

September 14, 2020

Reclaiming an Irish anti-imperialist legacy

While the dominant narrative of the “Irish experience” in the U.S. is often reduced to little more than a fairy…

August 21, 2020

The Democratic Party and the national question

With the Aug. 11 announcement of California Sen. Kamala Harris’s nomination for the Democratic Party’s vice presidential candidate, WW is…

August 18, 2020

Palestinian Liberation Movement marks global day of action

The Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network called for global Days of Resistance from Aug. 7 through 9 to protest the…

August 14, 2020