Im/migrants and Refugees

Proveer agua para migrantes y aliados es un crimen para EE.UU.

Trump no solo continúa llevando a cabo una vil diatriba antiinmigrante casi a diario, sino que los agentes del Servicio…

October 20, 2020

Providing water is a U.S. crime for migrants and allies

Not only does Trump continue to carry out a vile anti-immigrant diatribe almost daily, agents from Immigration and Custom Enforcement…

October 16, 2020

Vietnam refugee leader arrested for protesting ICE crimes

  Philadelphia — Nancy Nguyen, Executive Director of VietLead, a Philadelphia-based Vietnamese refugee organization, was handcuffed and arrested Oct. 8…

October 14, 2020

Viral capitalism: Racist, sexist bosses kill jobs

Another 1.3 million people filed for unemployment benefits during the week of Sept. 28, adding to the ranks of the…

October 13, 2020

Free Kao Saelee now!

“What is the point of sending somebody back to a country where they don’t have no family?” asks Kao Saelee.…

October 12, 2020

Trial finds fascists ‘Guilty!’ in Greece

A blow to neo-Nazi organizations — particularly in Europe, but also throughout the world — was dealt in Athens, Greece,…

October 12, 2020

Trump, ‘Get your hands off Somali refugees!’

Before being admitted to the hospital for coronavirus infection, Donald Trump spent the last two weeks on yet another vile…

October 6, 2020

Preparándose para ‘el Interregno’ – el lío electoral – un comentario de WW

Al investigar este artículo, surgió una palabra que suena genial: “mezquindad”. Significa “dado a discutir por nimiedades”. La palabra fue…

October 5, 2020

Whistleblower exposes: ICE abuses detainees

EDITOR’S NOTES: As we go to press, a Sept. 21 press release from Georgia Detention Watch announced that Cipriano Chavez-Alvarez,…

September 22, 2020

Permanent residency for TPS holders won’t come from the courts

Lechat is active with Boston FIRE, Harvard TPS Coalition and AFSCME Local 3650. Coordinated, coast-to-coast press conferences were staged by…

September 22, 2020