Im/migrants and Refugees

Huelgas de hambre en tres cárceles de Nueva Jersey

Las sucias condiciones, el encarcelamiento indefinido y la escalada de infecciones por COVID han desencadenado huelgas de hambre desesperadas en…

January 15, 2021

Car hits anti-ICE march in New York Cit

New York Since the beginning of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2014, there have been at least 100 car…

December 17, 2020

Migrant workers tell bosses: We’re fed up with racism, COVID and exploitation!

New York As so-called essential workers fight for their rights on the job, they continue to be the most reliable…

December 4, 2020

Stop ICE’s rush to illegally deport families!

By Marta Guttenberg Philadelphia Around 50 people, including immigrant community members, Shut Down Berks Coalition activists, and elected Pennsylvania State…

December 1, 2020

Bay Area protest demands ‘Close the camps, abolish ICE!’

San Francisco Nov. 14 — If today’s demonstration is any indication, the Bay Area immigrant rights movement holds both Republican…

November 20, 2020

From the Immigration Movement, for the Left: Election 2020 lessons

San Antonio, Texas These slightly edited remarks were given on a Workers World Party Nov. 12 webinar, “What Now?” The…

November 16, 2020

Niños perdidos – y el imperio de los EE.UU.

El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de EE.UU. ha tenido que revelar que "perdió el rastro" de las familias de 545…

November 10, 2020

Gov’t of France uses tragedy to attack Muslim community

On Oct. 16, Samuel Paty, a teacher in France, was brutally killed as he left his school. Paty had just…

October 27, 2020

Lost children — and the U.S. empire

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has had to reveal that it “lost track” of the families of 545 children…

October 26, 2020

Film review — “Belly of the Beast”: Sterilizations inside the world’s largest women’s prison

With the world spotlight currently on the forced sterilizations of migrant women inside the ICE detention center in Georgia, the…

October 23, 2020