Health Care

Washington state teachers vote to strike

Aug. 25 — Teachers throughout southwest Washington state have overwhelming­ly approved potential strikes and work stop­pages if their demands for…

August 29, 2018

Overdoses spike in Philadelphia region

July 23 — Overdoses in the southeastern Pennsylvania tristate area are becoming more terrifying and more prevalent. Bags marked “Perfect 10”…

July 25, 2018

Access to Naloxone can save lives

Philadelphia — In the opioid epidemic, which cost over 63,000 lives in overdose deaths in 2017, there has been no…

June 25, 2018

El capitalismo causó epidemia de opiáceos

Hay una epidemia de opiáceos que actualmente asola a la clase trabajadora en EUA. Decenas de miles de personas ya…

June 12, 2018

Gentrification drives homeless camp evictions

The U.S. opioid epidemic doesn’t just take over lives. It takes over neighborhoods, as the Kensington section of Philadelphia can…

May 24, 2018

The opioid crisis, part 2

Part 1: Capitalism caused opiate epidemic One would think that those in charge of public health might go all in…

May 10, 2018

Capitalism caused opiate epidemic

There’s an opiate epidemic currently ravaging the working class in the U.S. Tens of thousands of people have died already,…

April 27, 2018

Boss Trump moves to destabilize ACA

Surrounded by a cabal of smirking small business owners, President Donald Trump scrawled his signature onto another executive order on…

October 18, 2017

‘In Cuba, health care is a human right. Why not in the U.S.?’

Two major health care unions have endorsed the Third “Days of Action Against the Blockade” scheduled for Sept. 11 to…

August 27, 2017

Protests continue over attempts to repeal ACA

Grass-roots action protesting plans to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act continued to spread as June ended, despite the…

July 6, 2017