Health Care

Entrevista: Trabajador de Amazon lucha contra el multimillonario Bezos

Chris Smalls es un ex trabajador de Amazon que fue despedido por organizar una huelga el 30 de marzo en…

April 14, 2020

Which road to socialism: Bernie Sanders and voting in a pandemic

This article is for the thousands of young people who supported Bernie Sanders and for the social organizations that came…

April 13, 2020

Build Workers Assemblies, build a workers’ world!

Burning through communities like a raging fire, COVID-19 takes from us those most vulnerable. Already poisoned by environmental racism, people…

April 13, 2020

Dozens of strikes all say, ‘No safety, no work!’

April 12 — About 40 workers at a New York City Chipotle store staged a walkout on March 6 after…

April 13, 2020

Dire situation for Palestinian prisoners

The following remarks were given by Palestinian author and activist Susan Abulhawa during a Workers World Party webinar,“Free Them All:…

April 13, 2020

Caravan targets City Hall and jail in Philly protest

Traffic around Philadelphia City Hall came to a standstill for over an hour April 9 as hundreds of protesters, from…

April 13, 2020

When will the government checks come?

Almost  every  media  outlet  in  the  United States carried the news: 3.28 million claims for unemployment insurance (UI) were made…

April 10, 2020

‘Things fall apart’

Transcribed from a March 27, 2020, audio recording on The great African writer, Chinua Achebe, I believe, wrote a…

April 10, 2020

Gilead Sciences eyes COVID-19 cash cow

As jobs are lost during the COVID-19 crisis, an overwhelming majority of workers and oppressed people in the U.S. have…

April 10, 2020