Health Care

COVID-19 devastates Indigenous communities

By Eno Flurry This article is written in the colonized lands of the Comanche, as well as the Tonkawa Nations…

April 29, 2020

The jobless crisis and im/migrants

It’s not just COVID-19 that’s racing like wildfire across the U.S. It’s unemployment. The number of newly jobless workers has…

April 29, 2020

Pandemic used as proxy to privatize USPS

U.S. Postal Service workers, like health care workers, go to work every day risking exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Over…

April 29, 2020

COVID-19 y hechos básicos de la economía marxista

El mercado de valores se desplomó en marzo, pero se recuperó en parte después de que el Banco de la…

April 29, 2020

U.S. is a prison house of oppressed peoples

Based on a talk given during an April 9 Workers World Party national webinar: “Free them all! COVID-19 and racist…

April 28, 2020

Pandemia y capitalismo están detrás del aumento del hambre en EE.UU.

Los productores lecheros están vertiendo millones de galones de leche en las lagunas. Los productores agrícolas están volcando las verduras…

April 28, 2020

Impacto a largo plazo de caída histórica del precio del petróleo

Por primera vez en la historia, el 20 de abril, el precio del petróleo estadounidense cayó a menos $38 por…

April 28, 2020

Laos keeps coronavirus under control

The Lao People’s Democratic Republic, referred to as the Lao PDR or Laos, has not recorded an increase in COVID-19…

April 27, 2020

Health care workers resist bigots and bosses

Antiscientific and right-wing attacks have intensified against efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. — with the U.S.…

April 27, 2020

Longterm impact of historic oil price plunge

For the first time in history, on April 20 the price of U.S. oil fell to minus $38 per barrel.…

April 24, 2020