Health Care

‘Housing is dignity!’

Residents of the James Talib-Dean tent encampment, set up on June 11 on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia, held…

July 14, 2020

What is needed to reopen schools in the U.S.?

July 13 — The Trump administration has ignored facts, science and the advice of experts when issuing an order for…

July 14, 2020

EDITORIAL: Demandas de la clase trabajadora en la economía COVID

El Fondo Monetario Internacional emitió una advertencia el 24 de junio de que la economía mundial enfrenta una recesión aún…

July 13, 2020

French workers resist COVID-19 layoffs

Some big companies with major operations in France have been using the impact of COVIC-19 on their business as an…

July 13, 2020

Labor union begins struggle against COVID-19 layoffs

New York City On the last day possible, June 30, the City University of New York announced it was going…

July 9, 2020

Who killed Vanessa Guillén? Women of color devalued under capitalism

The case of Pfc. Vanessa Guillén has sparked a movement. Since April 23, the family and friends of Guillén had…

July 8, 2020

Revolution and proletarian democracy

A socialist revolution is an uprising of the proletariat — the working class, those who do not own the property…

July 8, 2020

Release San Quentin prisoners immediately!

Oakland, Calif. July 5 — After a large prisoner transfer to San Quentin State Prison dramatically increased the COVID infection…

July 8, 2020

Deadly new sanctions on Syria

By Judy Bello This slightly edited guest article was originally published June 12 on the web site of the United…

July 8, 2020

Dead or In Prison

By Nanon Williams Workers World received this letter from Williams, a Texas prisoner. In the first week of June 2020,…

July 3, 2020