Health Care

Behind the walls

Voting rights for the incarcerated in Florida The Supreme Court upheld a ruling of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals…

July 31, 2020

‘No tax dollars for union busters’

Fired union janitors and allies picketed the downtown Cleveland office building known as “The Fives” on July 24, protesting the…

July 31, 2020

China pushes back U.S. empire of lies

The U.S. ruling class has increasingly turned to misinformation and propaganda to maintain control during the COVID-19 epidemic. This includes…

July 31, 2020

Billionaires push to reopen schools with no plan for safety 

Schools in the U.S. provide students with much more than an education. They provide child care, meals (for 14 million…

July 31, 2020

Solidarity, the best antitoxin

As the coronavirus spreads around the globe, the United States continues to report by far the largest number of cases…

July 29, 2020

U.S. ‘war games’ threaten COVID spread in Hawaii

Despite the ongoing global pandemic, the U.S. military has no plans to cancel RIMPAC (Rim of the Pacific Exercise), the…

July 29, 2020

Who created the Saharan dust cloud?

Each year, massive dust plumes rise from the Sahara, lifted by local winds after being unmoored by desert conditions. However,…

July 29, 2020

Unions call for ‘Strike for Black Lives’

On July 20, unions led protests under the general banner “Strike for Black Lives” in over 160 U.S. cities, with…

July 28, 2020

Impasse in Congress over CARES 2

As COVID-19 spreads exponentially in most of the United States where the ruling class has rushed to “open” the capitalist…

July 28, 2020

Fight COVID, not China!

Workers World Party and other local activists delivered a letter of solidarity to Consul General Cai Wei at the Chinese…

July 28, 2020