Health Care

Pa. prisoner on COVID crisis – Guards were the transmitters

Since Workers World received this letter, the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections has confirmed nearly 7,000 cases of COVID-19 among prisoners…

January 8, 2021

Editorial: La pandemia de los especuladores capitalistas

Hay un nuevo término para describir a los superricos: “centimillonarios”. Son individuos cuyo patrimonio neto asciende a más de $100…

January 8, 2021

Advocates demand action as largest women’s prison experiences COVID-19 outbreak

The following press release was issued Jan. 5 by the California Coalition for Women Prisoners   CHOWCHILLA, Calif.   There is…

January 5, 2021

A tale of two classes

The second stimulus package finally passed in both houses of Congress Dec. 27, accompanied by much controversy. It woefully fails…

January 5, 2021

Why is the world’s richest country so unprepared?

The big question one must ask about the COVID-19 epidemic — which as of Jan. 2 has killed more than…

January 5, 2021

Buffalo, N.Y., press conference demands COVID relief

By Hadley Willow Buffalo, N.Y.  While the U.S. government has comfortably resigned itself to a criminally negligent stasis regarding any…

December 30, 2020

What prisons are like during COVID lockdown: interview with a Pennsylvania incarcerated worker

Philadelphia Since the start of November 2020, more than 3,000 incarcerated workers and at least 1,200 guards and staff have…

December 27, 2020

Demonstrators besiege California prison HQ: ‘Mass releases now!’

Sacramento, Calif. Dec. 17 — Under the banner “From Balloons to Bullhorns,” an angry group of protesters converged on the…

December 24, 2020

Las empresas mienten, los trabajadores contraatacan

Estamos en medio de una pandemia épica y creciente en los EE.UU. Hay 200.000 casos nuevos casi a diario y…

December 24, 2020