Health Care

Gross negligence in for-profit prison health care

By law, people in prison have a right to get the health care they need. In the late 1970s, the…

April 15, 2022

<span class="streamer2">WWP Prisoners Solidarity Committee demands</span> <br />Ban shackling!

Members of the Prisoners Solidarity Committee of Workers World Party investigated the use of shackles on prisoners while hospitalized and…

April 8, 2022

Prison ‘health care’ system is broken

By Sam Smith Note: This writer is incarcerated at Old Colony Correctional Center in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. I feel like in…

April 8, 2022

On the picket line

Teachers take bosses to ‘Strike School’ Teachers across the country are still reeling from the topsy-turvy pandemic world of virtual…

April 1, 2022

With nearly 1 million deaths, U.S. disparages China’s COVID-19 policy 

Look at the March 20 figures from Worldometer for the United States and China, including Hong Kong. The U.S. has…

March 25, 2022

Despite U.S. blockade, Socialist Cuba combats COVID-19

Juan Antonio Quintanilla, permanent Cuban envoy to the United Nations, adamantly stated that this Caribbean nation will stay on its…

March 9, 2022

International Women’s Alliance supports Feb. 26 – Workers Power Day – in the U.S.

The International Women’s Alliance (IWA) is an anti-imperialist global alliance of militant grassroots-based women’s organizations, institutions, alliances, networks and individuals…

February 25, 2022

Flu Klux Klan ‘truckers’ invade Canada

Since early February, corporate media has extensively covered the controversial, right-wing “Freedom Convoy” of so-called “truckers” protesting vaccine mandates in…

February 25, 2022

Unir a nuestra clase para luchar contra la COVID-19

Las industrias privadas de los países imperialistas de Norteamérica y Europa han superexplotado la crisis del COVID-19. Y los gobiernos…

February 25, 2022

Unite our class to fight COVID-19

Private industries in the imperialist countries of North America and Europe have superexploited the COVID-19 crisis. And the governments have…

February 15, 2022