Climate and Environmental Crisis

Romanians protest Chevron fracking

“We will not let them drill here if we must die for this,” said Gheorghe Hrum, a Romanian retired forest…

October 24, 2013

First Nation protesters tell Southwestern Energy to “Frack off!”

Acting on behalf of a U.S. energy company, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police staged a surprise, early morning attack on…

October 21, 2013

Global march against Monsanto says ‘Label it or ban it!’

Hundreds of activists gathered in Philadelphia at Independence Mall next to the Liberty Bell as part of the second annual…

October 20, 2013

Food poisoning & gov’t shutdown

After eating chicken dinners, at least 317 people have been hit by nausea, headaches and fevers in a 20-state salmonella…

October 14, 2013

Nez Perce resist GE and Big Oil

In early August, hearing news that General Electric was planning to move a megaload of oil refinery equipment — 255…

October 6, 2013

Detroiters vs. Marathon, people vs. Tar Sands

Sept. 21 was a national day of action to “Draw the Line at Tar Sands.” Demonstrations in hundreds of U.S.…

September 26, 2013

Michigan anti-fracking movement worries gas industry

Capitalist propaganda has a peculiar way of turning reality on its head. A case in point is the well-funded effort…

September 18, 2013

Fracking pollutes Wind River Reservation

Pinedale, Wyo. — Wyoming is the least-populated state in the union, with a little more than half a million people.…

August 18, 2013

Struggle on to ban fracking in Michigan

Hundreds of grassroots activists across Michigan are working to make this state the second, after Vermont, to ban horizontal hydraulic…

June 28, 2013

Worldwide march planned against Monsanto

On May 25, activists from around the world will unite to march against Monsanto, the largest manufacturer and promoter of…

May 26, 2013