Climate and Environmental Crisis

Coast-to-coast solidarity with Standing Rock resistance

Solidarity actions in support of Standing Rock resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline are proliferating from coast to coast throughout…

November 8, 2016

Crisis for Big Oil: Bakken/DAPL exploiters in trouble

The resisters to the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota are holding their ground despite mass arrests and the coming…

November 2, 2016

Standing Rock resistance continues

Indigenous Peoples Day is an answer to the offensive Columbus Day holiday that glorifies the European conquest of the Americas.…

October 13, 2016

Ashes or lilies: Alabama & environmental health, justice

Centreville, Ala. As Native nations at Standing Rock and their allies continue the struggle to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline,…

October 3, 2016

Labor groups strengthen solidarity

The Communication Workers issued a strong statement on Sept. 9 expressing solidarity with the Indigenous peoples’ resistance to pipeline construction…

October 2, 2016

#NoDAPL battleground: Iowans resist pipeline

Boone, Iowa Standing Rock Solidarity demonstrators gathered here on Sept. 22 to protest Dakota Access Pipeline construction and “to put…

October 2, 2016

Lead poisoning hits African Americans the hardest

Hundreds of children living in the West Calumet housing projects in East Chicago, Ind., have tested positive for excessive levels…

September 28, 2016

Resistance at Standing Rock to pipelines, profits and environmental devastation

Under Indigenous leadership, the determination of thousands who have gathered at Standing Rock is having a profound impact in exposing…

September 20, 2016

Notorious Israeli prison profiteer deployed at Standing Rock

What does Israel’s internment of 7,000 Palestinian political prisoners, including 700 “administrative detainees” held without charge or trial, have in…

September 15, 2016

Prescription for the planet

A nice day comes along, the sky is blue, the temperature moderate, and it’s tempting to stop thinking about global…

September 14, 2016