Climate and Environmental Crisis

‘Days of Action’ all December for Standing Rock

Dec. 19 — Indigenous peoples and supporters continue their encampment in brutally cold and harsh winter conditions at Cannonball, N.D.,…

December 21, 2016

Temporary victory at Standing Rock

Cannon Ball, N.D. - Since last spring, volunteers from 280 Native tribes and countless other folks have been pouring into…

December 15, 2016

Bank pipeline to DAPL blocked

Over 200 people joined a rally and march in Philadelphia on Dec. 1 in solidarity with water protectors and Indigenous…

December 8, 2016

Virginia for Standing Rock

Dozens of community members from throughout the Roanoke Valley of Virginia participated in a Solidarity with Standing Rock protest in…

December 8, 2016

Leonard Peltier’s message on Day of Mourning

Day of Mourning November 24, 2016 Greetings my relatives, Here we are again. This time the year is 2016. It…

November 30, 2016

‘Indigenous resistance from Standing Rock to Plymouth Rock’

Mahtowin Munro, of United American Indians of New England, gave this talk at the National Day of Mourning commemoration in…

November 30, 2016

In the spirit of Crazy Horse, Metacom and Geronimo

Moonanum James, of the United American Indians of New England, gave this talk at the National Day of Mourning commemoration…

November 30, 2016

At Standing Rock: Oceti Sakowin defy U.S. Army Corps threats

Standing Rock defense against the Dakota Access Pipeline received a new threat when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced…

November 29, 2016

Indigenous Day of Mourning

The 47th annual National Day of Mourning organized by the United American Indians of New England was held Nov. 24…

November 29, 2016

Standing Rock resistance to DAPL continues, links to Alabama pipeline explosion

A mass movement of Indigenous people -- from within U.S. borders and internationally -- continues to build resistance at Standing…

November 8, 2016