Climate and Environmental Crisis

After fracking-caused earthquakes, Pawnee Nation courts to try energy companies

For nearly three decades prior to 2008, Oklahoma averaged only two earthquakes a year of magnitude 2.7 or higher. Then…

March 19, 2017

‘No to DAPL, yes to sovereignty!’

Thousands of Indigenous people and their supporters marched in Washington, D.C., on March 10, taking a stand for Native sovereignty…

March 14, 2017

Solidarity with Standing Rock!

Some 1,000 people defied a huge police presence to march to Trump Tower on March 4 to protest government actions…

March 8, 2017

Standing Rock: New evacuation order, calls to resist

Tensions are rising after North Dakota’s governor issued an order demanding that water protectors evacuate the Oceti Sakowin camp by…

February 22, 2017

Colorado: Struggle goes on against polluting utility; charges dropped against whistleblower

The Colorado Springs Gazette reported Nov. 21 that the Colorado Springs Utility (CSU) commissioned a study showing that the local…

February 18, 2017

Standing Rock defense stays strong

For a year, thousands of Indigenous peoples and activists have stopped the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline across Native…

February 14, 2017

Philadelphia activists: ‘Divest from Standing Rock!’

Protesters ­picketed on Feb. 3 at Philadelphia’s main office of Wells Fargo Bank, which has over $400 million invested in…

February 9, 2017

China takes another big step away from CO2

The contrast couldn’t be sharper. On one side of the world, a president takes office and makes his first priority…

January 24, 2017

Resistance at Standing Rock continues despite reactionary bill

Jan. 16 -- A bill introduced in the North Dakota State Legislature on Jan. 11 would give a legal green…

January 17, 2017

Global warming, Trump and China

The year 2016 just ended was the hottest on record. So was 2015. And 2014 before that. Each year, new…

January 11, 2017