Climate and Environmental Crisis

Trump, the ruling class and the Paris Accords

Donald Trump has confirmed his right-wing ideological alliance with the ultra-chauvinist Steve Bannon faction in the White House by announcing…

June 7, 2017

Anti-pipeline occupiers shut down banks

Scores of activists from 350Seattle shut down 13 Chase banks in Seattle on May 8 in alliance with Indigenous people.…

May 19, 2017

Boston science marchers demand ‘harm reduction’ for people who use opioids

Thousands of nurses, doctors, lab technicians, environmental professionals, computer programmers and teachers rallied for Science on Boston Common April 22.…

May 10, 2017

Defend science and the environment

Workers World newspaper supported and Workers World Party members participated in both the Earth Day March for Science on April…

May 5, 2017

Climate marchers say, ‘Stop climate change, end capitalism!’

While some corporate-owned media predicted that “protest fatigue” might beset climate marchers, especially those who had been on the March…

May 5, 2017

Scientists march on Earth Day

Scientists and their allies rallied and marched all over the United States in cities and towns, large and small, on…

April 25, 2017

End racism, capitalism & imperialist war

Solidarity & Socialism are the Answers JOIN THE ANTI-CAPITALIST/RESIST IMPERIALISM CONTINGENT Join the anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist contingent at the People's Climate…

April 24, 2017

To save Mother Earth: Change the system

Progressive and liberal-thinking intellectuals have noted that the issue of global warming is so critical that it is “the biggest…

April 19, 2017

As disasters multiply, Trump kicks environmental destruction up a notch

March 25 - President Donald Trump signed an executive order March 24 clearing the way for building the Keystone XL…

April 1, 2017

Behind the murder of Berta Cáceres

Honduran Indigenous leader and environmental activist Berta Cáceres was shot to death a year ago at her home in a…

March 19, 2017