Climate and Environmental Crisis

In Houston, chemical fires cause immeasurable pain, illness, fear

Houston, TX -- The morning of March 17 saw dark black billowing smoke begin to cloud the skies of east…

March 27, 2019

Around world, students, pupils skip classes to protest climate policies

The following article was published in the March 16-17 issue of Junge Welt, a progressive German daily newspaper. Excerpts were…

March 21, 2019

Impact of global warming on Arctic community in Nome, Alaska

Nome, Alaska, had back-to-back blizzards followed by rain, ending a February that saw temperatures in the upper 20s or low…

March 11, 2019

The key to climate change

Almost a century and a half ago, Karl Marx’s closest collaborator, Frederick Engels, wrote about the degradation of the environment…

March 5, 2019

WW Commentary: Carbon tax NO, green jobs YES!

This is a critical time for the world. What happens over the next few decades can determine the health of…

December 20, 2018

What could be more urgent?

In all the dire news about the increased severity of climate change and its catastrophic effects, the most important element…

December 1, 2018

Hurricane hammers Florida & government protects property, not people

Pensacola, Fla. — Convoys of relief supplies provided by a left and community coalition effort headed from this city to…

October 17, 2018

Getting serious about the environment

A fierce debate is raging within the environmental movement. It comes very late, but it is here now and that…

October 17, 2018

Green energy vs. jobs and pensions?

The Sept. 12-14 Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, convened by California Gov. Jerry Brown, drew thousands of delegates…

September 28, 2018

Coloradans demand stronger environmental protection

Over 500 Colorado environmentalists, officials and residents packed the meeting of the state Air Quality Control Commission on Aug. 16.…

August 26, 2018