Climate and Environmental Crisis

Tell Biden: Free Leonard Peltier!

The excerpted remarks were written by political prisoner Leonard Peltier (Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians) for the 53rd annual…

September 22, 2023

Portlanders protest city’s deals with fossil fuel companies

Portland, Oregon For years, dozens of Portland and Oregon organizations and community members have been protesting the growth of 10…

September 20, 2023

Role of U.S./NATO war in Libyan flood

A close look at the catastrophic flood that hit the port city of Derna in northeastern Libya Sept. 9 shows…

September 19, 2023

Una visión socialista de la crisis climática

El verano de 2023 se registró como el más caluroso, al menos en mucho tiempo, según el Servicio de Cambio…

September 19, 2023

Mass march targets Biden for an ‘End to fossil fuels’

New York City An estimated 50,000 to 75,000 people were in the streets of New York City Sept. 17 for…

September 18, 2023

A socialist view of climate crisis

The summer of 2023 was recorded as the hottest summer, at least in a very long time, according to the…

September 14, 2023

Release of Fukushima wastewater threatens workers

The Japanese government began releasing wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean on Aug. 24. The controversial…

September 4, 2023

The race for moondust: U.S. imperialism vs. China

This article updates and supplements “Astronomical imperialism!” ( and “As Amazon workers struggle for a union, Bezos sends exploitation to…

August 30, 2023

Protect Wet’suwet’en land!

New details have emerged about the militarized campaign of state and corporate persecution targeting land defenders of the Wet’suwet’en First…

August 29, 2023

‘Stop Cop City’ solidarity protest in New York City

A solidarity protest occurred in New York City on Aug. 26 against the construction of “Cop City” in Atlanta, and…

August 28, 2023