More than 700 Confederate monuments stand in public places in the U.S. There are 191 schools named after Confederate leaders,…
The following is a statement from Workers World Party, which sent many of its members to Charlottesville, Va., to beat…
The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously on Aug. 5 to impose stiff economic sanctions against the Democratic People’s Republic of…
July 31, 2017, was Black Women’s Equal Pay Day — the day this year that the average total wages a…
The Trump administration’s bigotry was blasted at LGBTQ people on July 26 when the president tweeted in early morning that…
Donald Trump gave a bone-chilling speech at Suffolk County Community College on Long Island, N.Y., on July 28, exposing the…
The disparity in how the media are handling the fatal shooting of a white woman in Minneapolis by a cop…
The Venezuelan government of President Nicolás Maduro is being blamed for the shortages of food and other necessities plaguing that…
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (north Korea) released a statement July 7 on…
More than 100 people marched through downtown Newark on June 24 demanding reparations for the African holocaust. The marchers received…