
Los ricos se vuelven más ricos, los pobres se vuelven más pobres y más enfermos

“Los ricos se vuelven más ricos y los pobres más pobres”. El viejo cliché sigue siendo cierto, obscenamente cierto. En…

October 23, 2020

Millions salute election victory in Bolivia

Millions of people cheer with delight the landslide victory of the Movement toward Socialism (MAS) in the Bolivian elections. We…

October 21, 2020

This system is sick

The COVID-19 crisis is shedding a glaring light on the contradictions and failures of capitalism. Millions of lives are at…

October 19, 2020

Derecho al voto: ‘caridad capitalista’ vs democracia obrera

Durante esta temporada de elecciones en Estados Unidos, mucha gente sigue luchando por acceder al derecho universal burgués al voto,…

October 14, 2020

Rich get richer, poor get poorer — and sicker

“The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” The old cliché is still true — obscenely true. In six…

October 12, 2020

Election Defenders: call to action

Election Defenders: Call to Action: With the stakes being as high as they are, voter suppression already more rampant than…

October 8, 2020

Voting rights: ‘Capitalist charity’ vs workers’ democracy

During this U.S. election season, many people are still fighting to get access to the universal bourgeois right to vote,…

October 7, 2020

Stop the war against Black and Brown communities!

Following the 2014 police murders of Eric Gardner and Michael Brown, activists raised concerns about an “epidemic” of police brutality. …

September 28, 2020

A Marxist view from Portugal on U.S. elections and decline of Washington’s power

A Portuguese Marxist analyst looks at the Trump vs. Biden election, assessing its possible impact on U.S. foreign policy. This…

September 23, 2020

Contra los derechistas

El 12 de agosto de 2017, un nacionalista blanco enojado que participaba en un mitin de la Unite the Right…

September 20, 2020