Most workers have little choice when it comes to paying income taxes. The money is deducted from our paychecks before…
El 18 de marzo, el presidente estadounidense Joe Biden llamó “asesino” al presidente ruso Vladimir Putin. Dado que nadie ha…
De los dos partidos políticos del gran capital en Estados Unidos, los demócratas han sido considerados durante más de medio…
El 22 de febrero, las muertes relacionadas con el COVID-19 en Estados Unidos superaron las 500.000. Desde entonces, otras 55.000…
The Republican Party-dominated state government has pushed through a bill making Georgia the first state to pass a broad anti-voting…
On March 18, U.S. President Joe Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin a “killer.” Since no one has withdrawn this…
By Feb. 22, COVID-19 related deaths in the U.S. surpassed 500,000. Since then, another 55,000 people have died from the…
Of the two big-business political parties in the United States, the Democrats for more than half a century have been…
The former Republican president may be absent from the corporate media these days, but his racist and pro-rich ideas live…
Muertes de migrantes: ¿Quién es el VERDADERO culpable? No tenía por qué suceder. Pero, trágicamente, así pasó. Y lo más…