
¡Que tiemblen las clases dominantes!

La clase obrera de Francia tiene una larga y significativa historia en la lucha entre el trabajo y el capital,…

January 30, 2023

Justice for Tyre Nichols! Abolish the police!

Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old Black man and FedEx driver in Memphis, Tennessee, was brutally beaten by Memphis police. Pulled over…

January 29, 2023

Let the ruling classes tremble!

The working class of France has a long and significant history in the struggle between labor and capital, including the…

January 24, 2023

Defend North Korea against U.S., South Korean provocations — WW Commentary

United States and South Korean officials are ramping up provocations aimed at the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in the…

January 18, 2023

No to fascist coup in Brazil – an editorial

Just a week after the inauguration of Brazil’s newly elected and former President Luis Ignacio “Lula” da Silva, a pro-fascist…

January 9, 2023

Aprobado el presupuesto de guerra

Días antes de Año Nuevo, el presidente Joe Biden firmó un proyecto de ley ómnibus de 1,7 billones de dólares…

January 9, 2023

Editorial: Revelate, hazte escuchar, siénte orgullo… ¡y organízate! 

Los ataques anti-LGBTQ+ han sido agresivos e implacables - desde cientos de proyectos de ley punitivos hasta un ataque mortal…

December 23, 2022

2022 – The year of the workers

This is the year of striking, fighting workers in the U.S. — coal miners, warehouse workers, nurses, baristas, prisoners, teachers…

December 19, 2022

Palestine will be free

The year 2022 begins the 75th anniversary of what Palestinians and supporters call the Nakba, “the disaster,” which followed the…

December 12, 2022

Be out, loud, proud − and organize!

The anti-LGBTQ+ assaults have been aggressive and unrelenting — from hundreds of punitive legislative bills to a deadly attack on…

December 5, 2022