
Defend the right to self-defense!Defend the right to self-defense!

Defend the right to self-defense!

For over 16 months since the Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2023, Workers World has shown solidarity with the besieged…

March 4, 2025
<span class="streamer2">Huelga de guardias de prisiones en Nueva York</span><br> ¿De qué lado  estamos?<span class="streamer2">Huelga de guardias de prisiones en Nueva York</span><br> ¿De qué lado  estamos?

<span class="streamer2">Huelga de guardias de prisiones en Nueva York</span><br> ¿De qué lado estamos?

Generalmente es un buen impulso de clase solidarizarse con los trabajadores en huelga. Con el capital de un lado y…

March 4, 2025
New York prison guard strike: Which side are we on?New York prison guard strike: Which side are we on?

New York prison guard strike: Which side are we on?

It is generally a good class impulse to solidarize with workers on strike. With capital on one side and labor…

February 26, 2025
‘America First’ agenda targets world’s poor‘America First’ agenda targets world’s poor

‘America First’ agenda targets world’s poor

Making the ludicrous assertion that the United States Agency for International Development is run by a “bunch of radical lunatics,”…

February 11, 2025
¿Qué causó el accidente aéreo? <br>El acoso sindical, ¡no la DEI!¿Qué causó el accidente aéreo? <br>El acoso sindical, ¡no la DEI!

¿Qué causó el accidente aéreo? <br>El acoso sindical, ¡no la DEI!

Nadie debería sorprenderse cada vez que Trump se expone como el vil y repugnante intolerante ultraderechista que es.  Aun así,…

February 10, 2025
What caused the plane crash? Union busting, not DEI!What caused the plane crash? Union busting, not DEI!

What caused the plane crash? Union busting, not DEI!

No one should be surprised any time Trump exposes himself as the vile, disgusting, ultraright-wing bigot that he is.  Still,…

February 4, 2025
Trump’s Gaza ethnic cleansing: We say no!Trump’s Gaza ethnic cleansing: We say no!

Trump’s Gaza ethnic cleansing: We say no!

The late U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski saw the world in the framework of a chessboard and looked for…

January 29, 2025
Will U.S. troops refuse to brutalize migrants?Will U.S. troops refuse to brutalize migrants?

Will U.S. troops refuse to brutalize migrants?

The billionaires’ new administration in Washington is putting its violent and reactionary anti-migrant program into effect. Its enforcement relies on…

January 29, 2025
Trump inaugurates anti-migrant, anti-trans agendaTrump inaugurates anti-migrant, anti-trans agenda

Trump inaugurates anti-migrant, anti-trans agenda

Today, January 20, a vicious, racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, antisemitic, fossil-fuel-loving, jingoistic bigot was sworn in as president of…

January 21, 2025
Strengthen solidarity with Palestine!Strengthen solidarity with Palestine!

Strengthen solidarity with Palestine!

Resistance in Palestine and West Asia has mobilized an important movement in the U.S. and other NATO countries for over…

January 20, 2025