Human needs before profits

Detroit water shutoffs prompt Canadian solidarity

Efforts by Emergency Manager Kevyn Orr to carry out the program of restructuring in favor of the banks and corporations…

August 1, 2014

Bankruptcy court addresses Detroit water shutoffs

July 16 — A dog and pony show put on by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in the Detroit municipal bankruptcy…

July 17, 2014

Court testimony: ‘Detroit’s people will rise again’

U.S. Bankruptcy Court, In re: City of Detroit, Debtor, Objection to “Plan of Adjustment.” Testimony by Kristen A. Hamel, Detroit…

July 16, 2014

Detroit protesters arrested for blocking water-shutoff trucks

July 10 — Detroit activists concerned about the massive water shutoffs across this economically devastated city blocked entrances to the…

July 11, 2014

Class struggle and income inequality

Thomas Piketty has become famous because he’s pointed out that there has been a significant increase in wealth inequality in…

May 31, 2014

Water is a right

Detroiters fight shutoffs May 26 — The city of Detroit recently began to cut off water to residents behind in…

May 29, 2014

Mortgage crisis continues

A new report documents how millions of people across the U.S. continue to suffer the effects of the housing crisis…

May 22, 2014

Detroiters: ‘No cuts to our pensions!’

Ballots will be sent the week of May 12 to tens of thousands of city of Detroit retirees to vote…

May 19, 2014

Superprofits and kidney disease

Capitalism has been good to David Tepper, who raked in $3.5 billion last year. That’s what 232,000 minimum-wage workers earn,…

May 16, 2014