Human needs before profits

Getting a grip on how U.S. ‘democracy’ works

How can a narcissistic billionaire who is running a racist election campaign claim to speak for disgruntled workers? Why is…

August 17, 2016

The DNC and big money

July 26 -- The Democratic National Convention has barely begun, and it is already quite clear that a large number…

July 26, 2016

Who’s really behind Trump, besides Trump

The Republican National Convention produced as many flat-out lies as there are flies on a dung heap. Quite a few…

July 25, 2016

Rich benefit from Cuomo ‘jobs program’

Workers have had to fight for jobs for a long time. In response to the economic panic and depression of…

July 24, 2016

Out of the headlines, Flint’s water still unsafe

Only a few months ago the Flint water crisis was front-page news around the country. The world learned of the…

July 8, 2016

Puerto Rico’s new phase: People resist financial junta

On June 30 when President Barack Obama signed the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act -- PROMESA (meaning…

July 6, 2016

Detroit activists fight to stop evictions

Jeanette Shannon was evicted from her Detroit home on June 3 after a protracted fight with fraudulent real estate interests…

June 8, 2016

Capitalism, in brief

A short primer on capitalism: 1. The current crisis is a crisis of capitalism. It is not a crisis of…

June 3, 2016

Flint crisis drags on

The struggle for justice continues in Flint. The crisis of lead contamination, caused by a failure to add anti-corrosive chemicals…

May 18, 2016

Detroiters to bank: Housing is a right!

In her youth, Detroit resident Barbara Campbell was an associate of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Today, as a senior,…

May 11, 2016