Human needs before profits

David Rockefeller: The working-class truth

The capitalist media proclaimed billionaire banker David Rockefeller, who died March 20, to be a “great philanthropist.” None of the…

April 1, 2017

Midwest Conference builds socialism: Power to the people!

Revolutionaries from throughout the Midwest and beyond have mobilized to build and attend the fightback conference, “Resistance Against Racism and…

March 21, 2017

Detroit’s lights out: Who’s to blame

Roseville, Mich., March 14 -- I’m waiting and hoping that today is the day power is restored to our neighborhood…

March 21, 2017

The Trump/Bannon cabal

Feb. 27 -- As the Trump administration opens up new attacks on the masses, the split between the White House…

February 28, 2017


Workers World Party on why the time has come The May Day general strike should raise all the demands of…

February 14, 2017

Wealth more concentrated as poverty grows

While 3,000 of the world’s wealthiest people wined and dined on champagne and caviar in Davos, Switzerland, Jan. 17-20, 9…

January 27, 2017

Repression fuels resistance in DC

Washington, D.C., Jan. 23 — The last of the Workers World delegation left Washington, D.C., today with people affiliated with…

January 25, 2017

Trump’s inaugural speech

He speaks and writes like a third grader. He’s boorish and crude. He’s a misogynist and a sexual predator and…

January 23, 2017

Counterinauguration protests from coast to coast

Tens of thousands of people, unable to get to Washington, D.C., for the anti-Trump demonstrations there, took to the streets…

January 23, 2017

Big Pharma prices soar, Part 2

Lifesaving medications, including Harvoni which can cure hepatitis C, are often developed through taxpayer-funded research. But they are priced out…

January 12, 2017