Human needs before profits

Davos, ‘social cohesion’ and capitalism

Even as the stock markets continue their turbulence, other symptoms of the growing capitalist crisis abound. The annual conclave of…

January 31, 2019

Stop the fare hike! Money for Accessible Transit, Not Wall St.

Just after this article was filed, the heartbreaking news broke that on January 28, a young mother carrying a baby…

January 30, 2019

Crisis económica en desarrollo: ¿política, sistémica o ambas?

No hay duda de que el caos político en los EUA está contribuyendo al aumento del pánico en la bolsa…

January 27, 2019

A Slice of Hell: Working at Villa Italian Kitchen

The first taste of Hell in my working life was in the fall of 2012 when I was hired as…

January 24, 2019

Federal shutdown: Who gets paid and who doesn’t

As the longest federal government shutdown in U.S. history enters month two, Trump and congressional leaders appear incapable of resolving…

January 22, 2019

The menace behind falling prices

Any worker wants to know what the future will bring. Will jobs be plentiful and reliable? Can I make ends…

January 17, 2019

Movement to stop executions gained in 2018

At their January meeting, members of the Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement emptied the contents of four red mesh onion…

January 17, 2019

A housing march for homeless people in Atlanta

Housing rights activists marched Jan. 7 in an effort to make the city open warming and day shelters for homeless…

January 17, 2019

On the Picket Line: LA Teachers to Strike

In “a hail-Mary pass” to stop the projected Jan. 10 strike by over 35,000 Los Angeles public school teachers and…

January 9, 2019

High-tech, low pay and capitalist crisis

The following excerpt (pages 81-84) from the book “Low-Wage Capitalism” by Fred Goldstein, written in 2012, deals with Sam Marcy’s…

January 5, 2019