Human needs before profits

Biden submits to capital

The Joe Biden administration, having promised an elephant, is delivering a mouse. So far Biden’s “Build Back Better” bill is…

November 3, 2021

Without U.S. interference
Nicaragua’s right to sovereignty, development

Managua, Nicaragua The Central American country of Nicaragua will hold national elections Nov. 7. Already the U.S. bourgeois press, a…

November 2, 2021

Defend Apache people’s Oak Flats

Apache Stronghold activists rallied in San Francisco Oct. 21, the day before the federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals heard…

October 25, 2021

Amazon Labor Union to file for election in Brooklyn, N.Y., Oct. 25: NEW Location: 2 Metrotech Brooklyn 2pm

Workers Assembly Against Racism news advisory After organzing to form an independent worker-led Amazon Labor Union (ALU)  for the last…

October 23, 2021

Do wage increases impact the unemployed?

Why has David Card been co-awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences? Card, who teaches at UC Berkeley, did…

October 22, 2021

Nicaragua, with free health care and education, challenges U.S. domination 

Managua, Nicaragua The writer was a member of a U.S. delegation that visited Nicaragua Oct. 3-10.  The reason Nicaragua is…

October 20, 2021

Protests demand Luma out!

Philadelphia Activists protesting the privatization of Puerto Rico’s electric utility company and the devastating power outages affecting the island’s most…

October 20, 2021

Obreros griegos lograron gran victoria–quieren más

Desde los militantes de PAME (el Frente Militante de Todos los Trabajadores de Grecia) hasta los analistas financieros que siguen…

October 8, 2021

New report shows deadly impact and global condemnation of U.S. sanctions

Sanctions Kill issued the following news release Sept. 24. A coalition of North American human rights organizations has released a…

October 1, 2021

Estados Unidos: reflexiones dramáticas en voz alta / EE.UU.: reflexiones dramáticas 

Por Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein El autor es consultor y analista internacional venezolano, y fue Director de Relaciones Internacionales de la…

October 1, 2021