Human needs before profits

Stop Line 3!

Philadelphia Activists held a rally outside TD Bank Nov. 19 in Philadelphia to demand TD stop bankrolling destruction of Native…

November 25, 2021

Sympathy strikes at Kaiser Hospital

Oakland, Calif.  Crowds of “sympathy striking” union workers jammed the sidewalks at Kaiser hospital in Oakland Nov. 18 and 19,…

November 25, 2021

On the picket line

    Reno, Nevada, bus drivers have voted down the most recent contract offer and went back on strike Nov.…

November 18, 2021

Lessons of the Buffalo, N.Y., mayoral election

Buffalo, N.Y. Nov. 14 — Under normal circumstances, Buffalo’s mayoral election would have been little more than the 16-year incumbent…

November 18, 2021

ACT UP Boston charges city with mass violations of human rights

Boston On Nov. 5, ACT UP Boston, labor leaders, frontline harm reductionists, housing advocates, contingents of students, folks who have…

November 14, 2021

Defiant miners march in Manhattan, say ‘We Are One!’

By Mary Owen New York City  Chanting “We are one!” striking Alabama coal miners – who’d come by busloads to…

November 12, 2021

Peace Bridge Apartments tenants resist in Buffalo, N.Y.

By Hadley Willow  Since late August, tenants at the Peace Bridge Apartments building have been organizing mounting resistance against Porter…

November 12, 2021

Hospital workers strike in Huntington, W.Va.

Huntington, W.Va. After three months of contentious contract negotiations, close to 1,000 members of SEIU District 1199 WV/KY/OH Service Unit…

November 8, 2021

Alex Saab’s case–Legally, politically damaging to the U.S

The following is based on a statement on the case of diplomatic Special Envoy Alex Saab – kidnapped by the…

November 5, 2021

Supply chain crisis: Driven by deregulation

Corporate media and the Biden administration have focused on major West Coast ports, specifically Los Angeles and Long Beach, Calif.,…

November 4, 2021