Human needs before profits

Justice for Angel Davis – no to armed evictors!

Standing up to her millionaire landlord and resisting eviction almost cost Black Philadelphia resident Angel Davis her life.  Davis, 35,…

April 11, 2023

Boston Teamsters rally to prepare Aug. 1 UPS strike

Boston Over 1,000 delivery drivers and warehouse logistics workers at United Parcel Service (UPS), many donning T-shirts emblazoned “Ready to…

April 10, 2023

Trump’s indictment: only a beginning

Former President Donald J. Trump was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury March 31. The unexpected news was celebrated by…

April 3, 2023

Chemical leaks danger to community drinking water in Philadelphia

In the late afternoon of March 26, Philadelphia residents received a jarring emergency alert that it was not safe to…

March 31, 2023

Education workers in Los Angeles and Oakland strike for a fair contract

Oakland, California When education workers are under attack, what do they do? They rise up and go on strike! And…

March 30, 2023

Despite government attacks: Workers, students in France stay strong

Since President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Élizabeth Borne rammed through the “reform” of France’s pension system March 16 —…

March 28, 2023

Long live the working class of France: Vive la classe ouvrière de la France!

The working class of France is in the streets, with millions of people striking and demonstrating.  The proverbial straw —…

March 27, 2023

Michigan: Movements spur legislative victories

The scene at the Michigan Capitol in Lansing March 14 was reminiscent of mass protests there in December 2012. At…

March 24, 2023

Boston personal care attendants demand ‘living wage, now!’

Around 200 people with disabilities and the personal care attendants who help them gathered at the Embrace Statue March 1,…

March 23, 2023