Human needs before profits

Fed announcement hides bad economic prognosis

The Federal Reserve Bank’s announcement Sept. 18 surprised investors and many others and led to a quick rise in stock…

September 25, 2013

Of food stamps and a revolutionary life

This is a personal story about food stamps. When my stepfather, Vince Copeland, was at home and dying of cancer…

September 25, 2013

Detroiters resist banks and bankruptcy ahead of Oct. 5-6 People’s Assembly

Contradicting the pro-bank position of the corporate media, multimillionaire Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and his appointed Detroit emergency manager Kevyn…

September 23, 2013

Economic contraction and military expansion

This essay is reprinted from the pamphlet “Reindustrialization: The Menace Behind the Promise,” written by Workers World Party founder Sam…

September 19, 2013

Detroit emergency manager dictates ‘lights out’

When the lights went out at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center (CAY­MAC) in downtown Detroit on Sept. 11, it…

September 18, 2013

Income gap grows still wider

For ever so long, workers have been told that this capitalist system we live under works to our benefit. Sure,…

September 18, 2013

Detroit’s workers mobilize to defend pensions

Detroiters are mobilizing to defend city workers’ pensions and city services in the wake of the municipal bankruptcy filed by…

September 11, 2013

Philadelphia protesters fight for public schools’ future

Despite thunder and rain on Aug. 22, a flood of red T-shirt-wearing protesters overtook Philadelphia’s Comcast Center, home to the…

August 29, 2013

Detroit retirees fight pension theft

On Aug.19, the largest turnout yet protested Detroit’s bankruptcy proceedings. More than 200 retirees and their supporters protested outside the…

August 29, 2013

New money buys old newspaper empire

The world of corporate media was shaken up Aug. 5 to learn that Jeff Bezos, the main owner of,…

August 18, 2013