Human needs before profits

All out Dec. 17 in Detroit to ‘stop the criminal banks’

Protesters will be gathering Dec. 3 outside the courthouse as Judge Stephen Rhodes issues his ruling on the Detroit municipal…

December 3, 2013

Lessons from Detroit: Socialist ideology and mass organizing

  From a WWP Conference talk by Abayomi Azikiwe. Detroit has been and will continue to be at the forefront…

November 22, 2013

Judge says no to secret fees in Detroit bankruptcy

In the struggle to stop the racist bankruptcy and emergency management imposed by the big banks on the city of…

November 18, 2013

Detroit bankruptcy means people versus banks

Federal Bankruptcy Judge Stephen Rhodes heard closing arguments Nov. 8 in the eligibility trial for what could be the largest…

November 17, 2013

Rockford, Ill., youth demand jobs

Members of Fight Imperialism, Stand Together (FIST) led a march of 30 people on Nov. 5 through the streets of…

November 17, 2013

Global struggle in era of dead-end capitalism

Based on a talk given by Larry Holmes, Workers World Party First Secretary, at an Oct. 20 leadership meeting. Mass…

November 14, 2013

African economy produces billionaires while poverty persists

Press reports from Africa indicate that there are unprecedented levels of economic growth taking place throughout the continent, which includes…

November 12, 2013

African Americans still not recovered from Great Recession

Despite claims that the country is in a gradual economic recovery, millions are being thrown into poverty and prolonged joblessness.…

November 10, 2013

Guest commentary: ‘Affordable Care’ leaves out millions

Enrollment in the Affordable Care Act health plan has begun, despite a spectacular wrestle-down in Congress that made it the…

October 31, 2013

Resistance ramps up against Detroit bankruptcy as role of banks is exposed

Oct. 28 — Detroit residents, workers and retirees have been protesting and assembling on an almost daily basis to resist…

October 29, 2013