Human needs before profits

Gov. Chris Christie’s ‘Bridgegate’ — Follow the money

The sordid workings of bourgeois politics have been in the spotlight in the New York-New Jersey area for several months.…

January 29, 2014

Court nixes giveaway to banks

Detroit -- In what the corporate media have called a “stunning blow” to Wall Street, two of the biggest capitalist…

January 27, 2014

Dr. King’s struggle legacy and today’s crisis of the cities

The federal holiday that commemorates martyred civil rights, social justice and peace activist Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. takes…

January 20, 2014

Court rules against giveaway to banks in Detroit

Detroit,  Jan. 16 — With a decision community activists called “a major victory for the people of Detroit,” U.S. Bankruptcy…

January 16, 2014

‘Expanding Empire’ revisited

Vince Copeland, a founding leader of Workers World Party, first published a riveting booklet in 1968 entitled “Expanding Empire: The…

January 13, 2014

‘Affluenza’ & the Marxist cure

People everywhere were shocked and outraged that the son of a Texas factory owner, Ethan Couch, was given probation after…

January 10, 2014

Why the Affordable Care Act is already so expensive

The year was 1965. The U.S. government’s war in Vietnam was increasingly unpopular, especially among the young people being drafted…

January 10, 2014

Global youth unemployment: powder keg to explode capitalism?

The statistics are alarming. Young people make up 17 percent of the world’s population, but 40 percent of its unemployed.…

January 9, 2014

City bankruptcy one of many attacks on Detroiters

Jan. 5 — The new year began with the swearing in of Detroit’s first white mayor in 40 years and…

January 9, 2014

Solidarity protests in several cities: ‘We see our future in Detroit’

Demonstrations were held on Jan. 3 and 4 in several cities coast to coast in support of the people of…

January 8, 2014