Disability rights

Protesters shut down MTA event

https://www.facebook.com/pplsmta/videos/1920163074660651/?hc_ref=ARSphCyNyZfL9CIdpUN0Az6-tnvNSGjVKBcdtDA2P9VhiOHAsCtJRNxJyPbdxxqMkMA&fref=nf New York — With the main rallying cry for greater subway accessibility, protesters disrupted and ultimately shut down an…

May 3, 2018

Disability groups sue for elevator access

Led by the Center for Independence of the Disabled, New York, several individual plaintiffs and other disability rights’ organizations joined…

March 18, 2018

Alaska ends subminimum wage

Feb. 23 — Alaska became the third state to eliminate subminimum wage for disabled workers. The law in Alaska takes…

March 2, 2018

Don’t touch the ADA

The House of Representatives voted 225-192 on Feb. 15 to roll back civil rights legislation for people with disabilities. The…

February 25, 2018

On International Day of Persons with Disabilities activists demand ‘Equality, access and medicare care!’

New York — The People’s Power Assembly and wheelchair users led a protest on Dec. 3 that gathered in New…

December 14, 2017

Disability rights: A working-class issue

This talk was given on Nov. 18 at the 2017 Workers World Party national conference in Newark, N.J. Are disability…

December 1, 2017

Transit advocates blast MTA board over fare hike plans

New York — The state comptroller announced Nov. 9 that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s expenditures would soon require it to…

November 27, 2017

Worker exploitation and the mental health crisis

Workers are facing a mental health crisis stemming from exploitation at the hands of the capitalist system. Working long hours…

October 29, 2017

Oklahoma City: Hundreds protest cop killing of deaf neighbor

Hundreds came out in protest in Oklahoma City on Sept. 24, outraged at the cop killing of their Latinx neighbor,…

September 27, 2017

Disability Pride rocks NYC for health care, access

By Mary P. Kaessinger and Edward Yudelovich More than 7,500 people with disabilities, along with their families, caregivers, friends and…

July 24, 2017