Stop imperialist war and occupation

Bipartisan backing for genocide

The movement in the U.S. that has taken on the challenge of stopping the U.S.-backed Israeli genocide against Palestine has…

April 26, 2024

A call to ‘Escalate for Gaza’

The following call was issued on on April 24, 2024. ESCALATE FOR GAZA. • Prioritize unity, encampment growth and…

April 25, 2024

Strike for Palestine May Day and Nakba Day

Call to action from the Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions – Gaza: This May Day and Nakba Day [May…

April 25, 2024

Solidarity ask from UAW 2710 against the repression of protests

On April 18, Minouche Shafik, the president of Columbia, violated university procedures and authorized the New York Police Department to…

April 25, 2024

La UAW 2710 pide: ¡Solidaridad!

El 18 de abril, Minouche Shafik, la presidenta de la Universidad de Columbia, en Nueva York, violó los procedimientos universitarios…

April 25, 2024

Hamas leader salutes U.S. student protests

The following statement was issued by Hamas Political Bureau member Izzat Al-Rishq on April 24, 2024, on the Resistance News…

April 24, 2024

Israel’s deliberate mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners

The following statement from the Palestinian Prisoners' Club first appeared on Resistance News Network on Feb. 2, 2024. This call…

April 24, 2024

Earth Day 2024- Stop the ecocide in Gaza

Earth Day was started by a people’s movement in 1970, but too often today has become an opportunity for  politicians…

April 24, 2024

¡No a la guerra de EE.UU. e Israel contra Irán!

La agresión de Israel contra territorio soberano iraní -su bombardeo del Consulado de Irán en Damasco, Siria, el 1 de…

April 24, 2024