Stop imperialist war and occupation

No attack on Syria!

Sept. 2 — Anti-war, anti-imperialist and Syrian-American organizations inside the U.S. all see the coming week as the last chance…

September 3, 2013

Coast-to-coast protests hit U.S. plans to attack Syria

On Aug. 28, with Washington, London and Paris apparently on the verge of opening up another very unpopular and dangerous…

September 3, 2013

Worldwide protests reject U.S. attacks on Syria

Thousands of protests throughout the world since Aug. 21 –- from street demonstrations to public statements and resolutions –- have…

September 3, 2013

Obama pushes war on Syria with new tactic

Another step to war On Sept. 3, Republican senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham, brokers for the Pentagon hawks, met…

September 3, 2013

In the Bush tradition, Obama lies to push war on Syria

Aug. 31 — Barack Obama’s speech today, delivered from the White House Rose Garden, was aimed at winning the acquiescence…

August 31, 2013

What workers need to know about Korea

Larry Holmes, Workers World Party’s first secretary, led a three-person, party delegation to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea at…

August 28, 2013

STOP U.S. war on SYRIA

Coast-to-coast protests Aug. 27 — Without presenting even a hint of proof of Washington’s allegations that Syria has used poison…

August 27, 2013

Stop U.S. aggression on Syria!

Aug. 25 — Before we discuss any of the details of the latest Big Lie, Workers World denounces any missile…

August 25, 2013

Who is the ‘enemy’ that Manning ‘aided’?

While the corporate media covered every word, gesture and animated cartoon promoting the defense of Trayvon Martin’s killer, it paid…

July 25, 2013

‘No war in Middle East!’

Many groups united to call for July protests against the U.S. supplying weapons and training to the armed groups fighting…

July 16, 2013