Stop imperialist war and occupation

Manning, Assange, WikiLeaks and U.S. war crimes

No person who watched “Collateral Murder” could deny the brutality of U.S. imperialism. Smuggled out of Iraq by Chelsea Manning…

April 16, 2019

Hundreds join anti-NATO march through U.S. capital in revival of broad antiwar movement

Several hundred activists and organizers took to the streets of the U.S. capital on Saturday, March 30, traveling from all…

April 3, 2019

Venezuela begins legal actions against opposition coup plotters

March 31 -- Juan Guaidó, president of the National Assembly -- which is operating in contempt of the Supreme Court…

April 2, 2019

Venezuela comienza acciones legales contra los golpistas

31 de marzo - Juan Guaidó, presidente de la Asamblea Nacional en desacato y autoproclamado presidente interino de Venezuela, ha…

April 2, 2019

From Bush Sr. to Trump, Pentagon uses, abuses Somalia

In a report released March 20, Amnesty International ( made the following three points about U.S. military intervention in Somalia,…

April 2, 2019

A Yugoslavia war anniversary raised the role of U.S.-NATO aggression

New York, March 24 -- Today opponents of the 1999 U.S.-NATO war against Yugoslavia gathered in Ralph Bunche Park, across…

March 27, 2019

On March 30, confront the NATO war machine, defend Venezuela!

People are coming to Washington, D.C., on March 30 from across the U.S. and around the world to confront NATO…

March 25, 2019

Veterans For Peace highlights U.S. war crime, the My Lai massacre

Veterans For Peace, New York Chapter, presented an art installation in Manhattan on March 22 that exposed the U.S. war…

March 25, 2019

Venezuela overcomes power outage, awaiting the next attack

This article by Teruggi, an Argentine journalist living in Caracas, first appeared in on March 18. Translation by Workers…

March 21, 2019

EU Parliament’s anti-Russia statement backs U.S.-NATO threats

This article, first appeared in the Italian newspaper, Il Manifesto, which regularly publishes Dinucci’s anti-militarist articles. Translation by Workers World…

March 21, 2019