Stop imperialist war and occupation

U.S., NATO, Turkey out of Syria!

The conflict within the U.S. ruling class about the Turkish invasion of northern Syria has created some confusion about events…

October 15, 2019

‘Stop the wars, save the planet!’

Activists with the People’s Mobilization to Stop the U.S. War Machine gathered at Herald Square Sept. 22 to denounce U.S.…

October 1, 2019

Resolution on Iran by the San Francisco Labor Council

The San Francisco Labor Council passed the resolution below on July 8, stating that it “is opposed to the Trump…

September 29, 2019

U.S. sends troops to Gulf region, threatens new war

Sept. 22 — ​The Pentagon announced Sept. 20 that it will “deploy additional U.S. troops and missile defense equipment to…

September 24, 2019

The crime against Afghanistan

It’s the longest U.S. war ever. And no one in the ruling U.S. imperialist establishment can explain why it continues. …

September 20, 2019

Tension spikes between Colombia and Venezuela

This article first appeared Sept. 1 in Translation by Michael Otto. The relationship between the Venezuelan and Colombian governments…

September 9, 2019

Yemeni communities protest U.S. military aid to Saudi Arabia

Yemeni communities organized protests across the U.S. during August demanding that Washington stop its support for Saudi Arabia-led attacks on…

August 27, 2019

Trump seizes Venezuelan assets in U.S.

First published in pá on Aug. 7. Translation by Michael Otto. President Donald Trump has taken a new step to…

August 13, 2019

Hawai’i, August 1969: GIs take ‘Sanctuary’ to resist war in Vietnam

Fifty years ago, in the summer of 1969, a growing number of people in the United States believed a revolution…

August 13, 2019

Downtown Buffalo scene of anti-war protest

As thousands of people gathered in downtown Buffalo July 13 for a food festival, Buffalo AntiWar met them with chants…

July 21, 2019