Stop imperialist war and occupation

Long Live the spirit of Kent State and Jackson State!

May 4 and May 15, 2020, mark the 50th anniversaries of the murders of students at Kent State and Jackson…

May 7, 2020

Mercenaries launch attack on Venezuelan coast, driven back

Workers World received this statement May 4 that originated from the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry about the May 3 attack on…

May 7, 2020

Palestinian movement scores big legal win for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign in Britain

The Palestine Solidarity Committee won a legal victory for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign in Britain when the country's…

May 6, 2020

Venezuelan military foils attempted invasion by mercenaries from Colombia

Workers World Party strongly condemns the attempted invasion of the sovereign country of Venezuela and planned attacks on its leaders…

May 6, 2020

<span class="streamer">Taking advantage of pandemic</span><br> Israel moves to annex more Palestinian land

Speaking to students at Tel Aviv's Bar Ilan University in November 1989, Benjamin Netanyahu, at that time the Israeli deputy…

May 5, 2020

Veteranos de EE.UU. participan en la incursión fallida contra Venezuela

Extractos de un artículo en Resumen Latinoamericano, 4 mayo. El 3 de mayo, las autoridades venezolanas frustraron un intento de…

May 5, 2020

On Mumia’s birthday, global event honors political prisoners

By Mirinda Crissman and Judy Greenspan From behind prison walls nearly 39 years, Mumia Abu Jamal continues to educate, energize…

April 29, 2020

COVID-19 devastates Indigenous communities

By Eno Flurry This article is written in the colonized lands of the Comanche, as well as the Tonkawa Nations…

April 29, 2020

The U.S. aims at Greenland, targets the Arctic

By G. Dunkel and Paddy Colligan The United States, even in the midst of a pandemic, doesn’t want to relax…

April 28, 2020

U.S. uses ‘drug’ lies to menace Venezuela

By Raymond Tyler During a time when thousands are dying every day in the United States of COVID-19 and resources…

April 27, 2020