Stop imperialist war and occupation

Military whistleblower gets massive support

Supporters of imprisoned whistleblower Chelsea Manning held banners and delivered petitions containing 100,000 signatures to the U.S. Army’s congressional liaison…

August 25, 2015

Free Chelsea Manning!

Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the heroic WikiLeaks whistleblower and transgender activist currently jailed in the U.S. Penitentiary at Leavenworth, is…

August 18, 2015

New York protest: ‘Stop U.S. proxy wars!’

Outside the New York studios of CNN June 13, hundreds of people had the opportunity to hear the truth about…

June 16, 2015

New Yorkers protest assassination of Donbass leader

Anti-war, community and solidarity activists gathered at the statute of Latin American liberation hero Simon Bolivar in Central Park May…

June 3, 2015

Stop military intervention in Iraq

The International Anti-Occupation Network, meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, and Helsinki, Finland, at the end of May, published the following statement…

May 30, 2015

Women’s peace walk crosses DMZ

Thirty women peace activists from 15 countries crossed the demilitarized zone separating north and south Korea on May 24. They…

May 30, 2015

Remember María Guardado

Workers World Party members and thousands of others — from Los Angeles to El Salvador — are deeply saddened by…

May 20, 2015

Remembering Pat Chin

Pat Chin, a national committee member of Workers World Party and WW contributing editor, died on May 16, 2005, following…

May 19, 2015

Revolutionary youth gather for national congress dedicated to fighting racism and imperialism

By Ramiro Fúnez and Sara Benjamin Detroit Young revolutionary activists from across the United States met in Detroit May 15-16…

May 18, 2015

Looking back at the anti-war movement 40 years after Vietnam’s victory

In August 1962, when Youth Against War & Fascism held the first protest in the U.S. against the Vietnam War,…

May 16, 2015